Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yard and Garden update.

So.  I know it's been a while.   First big news is we found a swing-set.  The baby is so happy.  I didn't really know someone could be pushed on a swing for hours at a time until now.  And I can swing too!  Just Jason has to push the baby while I swing.  But it still works out.

This is it the day after they installed it.  I decided I didn't like the pressure treated look, so today I stained it.
Now it looks like it's been exposed to the wind and rain for years.  I like how natural it looks, even if I did stain my hands more than the swing-set.  Oh, well.  I've never been one for precision.

I also decided to build another raised bed.  That brings the total to 3... and I have 2 more in mind maybe before the end of the summer... i just have no idea how i'm going to get dirt back to fill them if I put them where I want...
We're enjoying our lettuce already, and I've started to hand pick pests off of the broccoli.  I need to find myself a few toads and encourage them to hang around.
I have a giant load of mulch that I picked up, and I still need to finish putting it into the beds... but I guess I didn't really need an entire truckload... I will soon be mulching around ever darn thing in the yard.  The painters finished our house, the gardens are pretty well underway, and now I can spend the rest of the evening taking a brisk run, then maybe falling asleep on the couch.
No, even if you wear daddy's sneakers you can't run with me sweetie.


Wulf said...

Looks great!

Michelle Clay said...

Hahaha! My son was doing exactly the same thing this morning. Do all children wear their parents' shoes?